Saturday 25th May, 2019

Five actors, with all manner of musical instruments, present an inventive take on Shakespeare’s infamous Scottish play, Macbeth.
The Three Inch Fools are a five-strong troupe of actors, performing a highly imaginative and vibrantly musical take on Shakespeare's plays across the UK. The Fools do Shakespeare differently - a fast-paced, musically-driven style, using all sorts of different instruments, plenty of multi-roling and many a quick costume change along the way.
This performance is physically driven and vibrant performance will tell the story of witchcraft, prophecy, a dominant wife, and Macbeth’s unstoppable desire to become King of Scotland. All of this accompanied by an original folk inspired soundtrack.
Book tickets here
This performance is an outdoor performance. We recommend that you bring blankets/chairs to sit on. Do bring coats and warm clothing, and if rain is forecast bring a raincoat. We ask that you don't bring umbrellas as these can obscure the view for other people in the audience. In the event of rain the performance will continue!
The venue will be serving food and drinks 45 minutes before the performance starts. 7.00pm start time, picnics welcome from 6.15pm.
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