As You Like It
Thursday 25th May, 2023

Join us as The Fools take on Shakespeare’s story of rustic revelry in the Forest of Arden. Rosalind and Celia are on the run, Orlando is practising his passionate yet pathetic attempts at poetry, and a cohort of boisterous lords are rubbing shoulders with a company of country bumpkins. Taking on far too many characters between them, we present three exhausted actors trying to pull off this impossible feat. As Shakespeare so famously said: love is merely a madness, and so is this production.
★★★★★ – “So entertaining…laugh-out-loud funny”
★★★★★ – “One of the best Shakespeare plays I’ll ever watch” – The Bristol Post
★★★★★ – “The ultimate British theatrical experience” – Hastings Independent Press
This performance is an outdoor performance. We recommend that you bring blankets/chairs to sit on. Do bring coats and warm clothing, and if rain is forecast bring a raincoat. We ask that you don't bring umbrellas as these can obscure the view for other people in the audience. In the event of rain the performance will continue!
Doors open at 6pm. The venue will be serving snacks and soft drinks 45 minutes before the performance starts at 7.00pm. Picnics welcome.
Book now on Eventbrite
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