Robin Hood
Wednesday 24th May, 2023

Beneath the Major Oak, this inept troupe of only three actors gather to tell the story of Britain’s best-known folktale. The only problem is: no one can agree how the story ought to go! As each actor battles to tell their own version of the legendary tale, our hero Robin must use every string to his bow to bring his band of merry misfits together. Join us and prepare for a riotous summer adventure fit for all the family.
★★★★★ – “So entertaining…laugh-out-loud funny”
★★★★★ – “Great fun for the whole family…my kids are still talking about it!”
★★★★★ – “The ultimate British theatrical experience” – Hastings Independent Press
This performance is an outdoor performance. We recommend that you bring blankets/chairs to sit on. Do bring coats and warm clothing, and if rain is forecast bring a raincoat. We ask that you don't bring umbrellas as these can obscure the view for other people in the audience. In the event of rain the performance will continue!
Doors open at 6pm. The venue will be serving snacks and soft drinks 45 minutes before the performance starts at 7.00pm. Picnics welcome.
Book now on Eventbrite
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